Dear Dad, my memories of You are what will keep us going in the future and especially these next few days. You were a wonderful Father and an incredible GrandFather. Our hearts are broken and empty right now, but I know in time, as You would have wanted, we will move forward and continue our lives knowing that we were blessed to have you. I would have given or done anything to ease one moment of your' pain and suffering. As usuall you carried on and edured your pain. You never complained and stood strong right till the end. Most people never had a chance to see inside your' heart. Thank you for letting me see. I know you are with God now and with all the loved ones that have gone before you. I will do my best to carry on and take care of things as you always have for all of us. Lisa, Brittney and Eddie all miss you. You were my Dad, my friend, and Pa to the kids. Brittney was just saying how you use to finish your treatments and come over and visit with her. You were a special man. You were my Dad. And I will always love you. Till we meet again Dad, God Bless You and may he grant you peace.
Love, your son, Rick