Monday, March 5, 2012
Oh Diane, after all these years with that "monkey on your back", it finally got you. Cyrstal and Keith, your Mom was ever so brave and determined and never complained or lost her smile but took each set back in stride and kept on going. I will never be able to thank her enough for her friendship and for being my right hand at 7 Eleven and the Corner Deli. I don't think she ever said no to me for anything I asked of her. Diane, you are looking down at us grieving and what you see is that you left behind an earthly life that made a difference to everyone you touched. Your struggle is over and now it's time to rest in peace...that monkey may think he has won, but he really didn''s you who are the winner! Thank you for being a part of my life. You and your children will always be in my prayers.